Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Who's Say is it?

In the article Stop SB48's surprising failure: TVC staffer's 'wake up call' is my reason to sleep more soundly. 
 There is an important aspect that is brought to light. It talks about the Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) and their  goal toward their anit-LGBT movement. It turned out that their goal toward opposing the movement failed after all of their efforts. This is very bizarre seeing as though they always win when it comes to putting an opposition to anything gay on the ballad. Now that is the most important part, is the surprise aspect of it.This expectation that anything that opposes gay-ism automatically can get a win, which for the most part is true. In in the article Mugged shot: TVC lifts pro-gay photog's pic for own anti-gay promo, it discusses a similar idea but from another aspect. A photographer who copy righted a picture, had his picture taken and used by the TVC for an anti-LGBT campaign without being asked permission. Apparently, it was okay to do this without permission because gay people seem to have no say. This goes back to the first article that depicts the idea that if it has to do with anti-LGBT, then there is a win. I am pretty sure it that guy who took the photo was not a supporter of LGBT, they would have asked his permission. So if  your gay you do not have a say?

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