Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Celebrating Change

With the 2012 elections now over there were many victories concerning Gay and Lesbian rights. From the reelection of President Obama to propositions that passed allowing same sex marriage. Across many different sites people are celebrating the some small victories and others large victories. The Huff Puff has some articles celebrating the victory in Maryland to allow gay marriage. also talks about victories but also stresses the work that is still to come and still must be done to ensure equality across all states. Human Rights Campaign discusses what's next for the four states that approved same sex marriage. They made reference to what happened in California where people were same sex couples were allowed to marry but then it was overturned and now it is being taken to the Supreme Court for a final decision. With a president that is for same sex marriage it will help to ensure that the momentum gained from this past election will carry on to more progress. All in all the feeling is that this past election brought a huge win for the Gay and Lesbian community.

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