Tuesday, November 13, 2012

God Saved Me

Being gay  has always been a tip over toward religion.  In the article “One of the most reprehensible 'advice' columns you'll ever read. For shame, Matt Moore” there is a description of this aspect. A young man gave a testimony regarding  how God saved him from being completely enthralled with his homosexuality. This article gets one to think and analyze that a person can still be attracted to the same sex and believe in God. When it comes to religion much like everything else in life, things are not black and white there are grey areas. In the article “First Federated, second 'protect marriage' rally” the First Federate church holds a rally to protect the purity of marriage, during the elections. These two articles brings to the fore front the idea that, people are narrow minded when it comes to the combination of religion and homosexuality. There should be nothing wrong with a gay person being religious, and a church holding a rally to oppose gay marriage does not make sense. This is senseless, because a gay person could possibly be part of that congregation. In the article regarding a man who found God,  he stated that he was still gay. Why is it that there has to be a connection to ones religion and their sexual preference? The reality of it is that there really is not any connections. They are two different aspects of life. One is not and should not be determined by the other. If in fact this does occur it is because one has chosen it to be that way. Which makes it a personal choice. What do you decide?

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