The Republic of T.
- The producer is Paul Krugman.
- The content addresses issues that he is passionate about including gay rights and various political issues. He definitely gives his opinion but he presents a wealth of information about the content to where the reader could make their own opinions and create/participate in a discussion.
- This blog is written as a personal interest to the producer. It is about his life and opinions with information about events or issues we are facing. He is a gay African American who is married with two children. He actually started his blog a day after his son was born. You can feel how passionate he is in every post.
- He posts every couple of days. Posts about gay rights occur almost every week. Recently he writes about it in terms of political platforms for the upcoming presidential election.
- There is the opportunity to leave comments but it is not currently being used.
- There is no social media presence in terms of facebook or twitter but readers can email the producer.
American Civil Liberties Union
- This site is produced by an organization if staff members. The current president is Susan Herman. It was founded in 1920.
- This site focuses on discrimination of all types not just against LGBT community. This organization works in courts daily to fight for the rights that the Constitution guarentees everyone.
- This organization writes about this issue because they believe that if the rights of the most vulnerable members of our population are denied, our rights are as well.
- They post content daily and content on gay rights on a weekly basis.
- There are very few comments posted and they mostly consist of reader's appreciation for the information they recieved.
- The site has a big social media presence. (facebook, twitter, blog of rights and email)
- This site has multiple producers.
- This is a political blog with a progressive point of view with a wealth of topics presented to readers. It presents news and opinions on the content of this site.
- The producers created this site to give an inside look at what is important in the news and why.
- Content is reported daily and content regarding gay rights and discrimination is posted weekly.
- There are several comments on each post and they consist of the readers' opinions about the information presented.
- This site's social media presence consists of facebook and twitter.
IGLHRC: International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
- This site is produced as an organization.
- This site focuses on human rights avocacy for those who experience discrimination.
- This site is dedicated to improving the lives of people who have experienced discrimination because of their sexual orientation. They strive to strengthen the capacity of the LGBT human rights movement worldwide.
- They post content a few times a month regarding LGBT issues and news.
- There are not comments on this site.
- They have a big social media presence including facebook, twitter and email.
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